King Entertainment Events is dedicated to creating a safe and healthy work environment for all our staff, clients, and guests. To keep on track with this pandemic we have created this Alertness Protocol in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our goal is to minimize the potential of transmission of COVID-19 during our events, and our staff is committed to executing full cooperation of our protocol. We understand that is this is an ongoing and changing crisis and with our protocols in place we hope to minimize any further spread of this virus at our events.
King Entertainment Events COVID-19 Alertness Protocol follows the industry guidance developed by the state of Florida, which is based upon Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Florida Department of Health (FDH) guidelines for COVID-19.
Ensure sick staff stays home and self monitors for COVID-19 like symptoms
Our DJs and Lighting Crew have been informed of, and encouraged to self-monitor for signs of COVID-19. We are first and foremost asking our Crew to communicate with me (Scott King, Owner of KEE) personally if they are feeling any COVID-19 like symptoms. If they are feeling sick or have a body temperature over 100 degrees, they will be immediately asked to go home and quarantine until they can be properly tested.
Physical Distancing – Staff/Guests must be at least six-feet apart.
Physical Distancing of at least six feet will be implemented and maintained between our staff and clients/guests at our events.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements
Basic infection prevention measures are being implemented with our staff at all times. Our staff is required to wear facial coverings at all times as advised by the CDC. In the event that any of our staff needs to be closer than 6ft to another person they will then be sure to wear all personal protective equipment (PPE), which includes face shields, gloves, and facial coverings all to be aligned with the CDC face covering guidance.
All clients, guests and visitors are also required to wear a facial covering at all times (all to be aligned with the CDC face covering guidance).
Worker/Guest Hygiene
Infection prevention measures are being implemented with our staff at all times. Our staff is instructed to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water frequently throughout the day. Also they have been directed to sanitize any gear that will come in contact with clients/guests.
Cleaning and Disinfection Protocol
Regular practices of cleaning and disinfecting have been implemented. We now have a schedule for routine cleaning and disinfecting equipment surfaces, and other areas that would come in contact with clients/guests. Frequent cleaning and disinfecting are being conducted for high-touch areas, including touch screens, controls, door handles, etc.
Appropriate and effective cleaning and disinfecting supplies have been purchased and are available for use in accordance with product labels. Our staff is being asked to check in when our protocol of cleaning gear has been fulfilled. Product used to disinfect will be Clorox Disinfecting Wipes as it is an approved cleaning disinfectant by the EPA.